Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Book look: Ulitmate Paper Plane Challenge

After a visit to our local Bargain Books Matthew saw this book on paper planes. Just like any boy he loves to play and build things. If it is with paper even better.

The book has been put together in a very easy and simple manner. It starts with the basic and other folds in a step-by-step method. It moves on to some games that can be played using the planes. Finally you get all the beautifully printed pages that can be torn out to fold your planes with. 

Everything that is needed is in the book. If a younger child can't read, it would not be a problem as they simply follow the pictures. Mom can always read the instructions of the games to them. This book is really any boys dream.

The basic folds glossary
Different games that can be played.

The paper you use to fold your planes.

Some of the items included in the book.

This book can be a great gift idea. There were several paper plane books to choose from, but we went with this one for now. Do yourself a favour and go check out what is at Bargain Books.





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